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  The site works in demo mode. Begin from the starting campaign (in Russian language).

L'articolo-succhietto 1. (it)

If you will become a guardian of the item:
  • Your moneybox will be replenished funds of the Fund of guardians
  • You will be able to full control of its stats
  • You will be able to write in a diary of the item on a par with the author
Becoming a guardian you are taking the following obligations:
  • participate actively in the promotion of the item
  • actively communicate with the authors, support the author's promotion strategies, or offer your own strategies
To become a guardian must:
  • to have your own office on the site (to be a fund-surfer)
  • transferred to the item any amount of money

Read more: You have become a guardian of the item. What's next? Read  

Guardians (1):
1.AskYou Team3.32 $

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